Blepharitis Treatment with Blephex. Creating a Healthy Environment, for Healthy Tears.
Blepharitis, a common eye condition, is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids from bacteria or demodex. The base of the eyelashes and the oil glands (meibomian glands) along the eyelid edges are typically affected. This condition gives rise to discomfort, redness, irritation, eyelid itching, and crusty eye lids that stick together.
BlephEx is the GOLD STANDARD of Blepharitis Treatment at The Oasis Center
What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids, which can present as a short-term acute issue or a persistent chronic condition often associated with dry eye syndrome or conjunctivitis.
This chronic inflammatory condition results from an overgrowth of normal bacteria, including Demodex mites, near the base of eyelashes and along the eyelid edges. While it affects individuals of all ages, its prevalence tends to increase with age due to reduced natural antibody production in tears.
Excessive bacterial growth leads to the formation of crusts on the eyelids and the development of a sticky biofilm, contributing to the production of bacterial exotoxins. Cleaning the eyelid edges is crucial but challenging, as improper cleaning can exacerbate bacterial growth.
The biofilm layer on the eyelids promotes bacterial proliferation, causing various discomforting symptoms such as crusty eyelids that stick together. The toxins produced by bacteria further contribute to persistent inflammation in the eyelids, including the tear glands.
Blephex Eyelid Exfoliation Treatment
Understanding the Symptoms of Blepharitis Disease
The common symptoms of blepharitis are:
- Itching eyelids or a gritty sensation in the eyes
- Inflammation marked by redness
- A persistent feeling of a foreign object in the eye
- Eyelid crusting
- Excessive tearing
- Dry eyes
Often, individuals resort to eye rubbing in an attempt to find relief.
Does it feel like you identify with the symptoms of blepharitis? Get in touch with The Oasis Center in Sugar Land to get diagnosed today.
What Are the Traditional, Outdated Blepharitis Therapies?
Addressing blepharitis has traditionally involved patients cleaning their eyelid margins using a cotton swab dipped in baby shampoo or specialized commercial lid care products applied to a fingertip. However, this routine can prove cumbersome to maintain at home and might yield limited effectiveness.
The Stages of Blepharitis
Untreated blepharitis can progress through four stages, potentially leading to chronic inflammation, tear insufficiency, and structural damage to the eyelid.
Stage 1: Formation of a nascent biofilm alongside swollen lash follicles and misdirected lashes, often exacerbated by Demodex mites.
Stage 2: Inflammation of the meibomian glands, characterized by obstructions and crusty eyelids.
Stage 3: Involvement of the lacrimal gland, resulting in inadequate tear production and a reduced tear reservoir.
Stage 4: Persistent inflammation leading to compromised structural integrity of the eyelids, contributing to conditions like lid laxity, inward eyelid turning (entropion), and outward eyelid turning (ectropion).
Our Patient (BEFORE)
Our Patient (After)
Introducing BlephEx®
Introducing a groundbreaking solution for blepharitis treatment, the BlephEx procedure has been developed by a certified ophthalmologist. This in-office procedure is carried out by skilled eye care professionals, offering a proactive approach to managing blepharitis that goes beyond merely relying on patients' attempts at partially effective home lid scrubs.
Am I a candidate for BlephEx®?
If you suffer from one or more of the following symptoms:
- Itching or scratchy eyes
- Foreign body sensation
- Tearing
- Crusting
- Redness/Inflammation
- Mattering
- Dry eyes
- Eye rubbing
The BlephEx procedure offers a targeted solution by directly cleansing and exfoliating the eyelids and lashes, effectively eliminating problematic biofilm and swiftly relieving symptoms of blepharitis. This intervention helps prevent potential long-term damage to the tear glands.
By addressing the inflammatory factors underlying blepharitis, this procedure significantly improves eyelid health. Patients experience enhanced tear production naturally, leading to relief from chronic symptoms associated with blepharitis and related dry eye conditions.
BlephEx® — Nurturing Lifelong Eyelid Health in Sugar Land
Blepharitis, known as a precursor to various eyelid conditions, manifests with a range of symptoms. These include persistent itching, frequent urge to rub the eyes, vision obscured by a filmy layer, fluctuating vision, redness, and can even lead to severe dry eye disease.
You might be among the millions seeking relief if you're experiencing symptoms like tiredness, itchiness, burning sensations, or dry eyes.
Make an appointment with The Oasis Center in Sugar Land to experience the BlephEx® difference. A lifetime of healthy eyelids awaits!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does BlephEx® work?
BlephEx is a Blepharitis and Dry Eye procedure performed by our doctors and lid hygienists at the Dry Eye & Wellness Center.
2. How many times should I have the BlephEx® procedure performed?
Just like the mouth is full of bacteria and needs constant and regular hygiene to prevent gingivitis, so do the eyelids need constant and regular hygiene as part of a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended that BlephEx be repeated every 4 to 6 months.
3. Does BlephEx® hurt?
Your doctor will put in numbing drops which make the cleaning procedure more comfortable. Most patients report a tickling sensation, but no pain. The harder your doctor presses on your lids during the cleaning procedure, the MORE comfortable the cleaning procedure will be!
4. Will BlephEx® cleaning procedure interfere with my glaucoma medicines?
Answer: No, it is recommended you continue all of your other drops that any eye doctor has you on.
5. I wear contact lenses. Should I have a BlephEx® procedure on my eyelids?
Even more important to have healthy lids to protect against infections. Having regular BlephEx® cleaning procedures performed every 6 months will keep your eyelids clean. Just be sure to remove your contact lenses just before the procedure.
6. Can I return to work or will I be out of commission?
Absolutely NOT. Many of our patients come during their lunch break to get their bi-annual cleaning performed!
7. Can my child have this procedure performed?
Children and elderly patients are the most prone to having Demodex blepharitis. Be sure to have them evaluated and cleaned as early as 6 years of age!