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EmSculpt® NEO. No Surgery. No Down Time.
Just Amazing Body Sculpting Results.
IDEW 17 EmsculptHandpiece

logo– At a Glance

Icon Procedure Time e1692123083529

30 minutes

Icon Appointments e1692123120380

4-6 recommended

Icon Treatment Recovery e1692123142410

No Downtime

Icon Duration of Results

2-4 years depending on diet, lifestyle, and maintenance

Icon Back to Work e1692123180795

Same day

Icon Risk Complications e1692123205910


Icon Anaesthetic e1692123228929


Icon Specialist e1692123248590

Licensed Professional

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all icons new structure 743 ResizedImageWzMwMCwzMDBd (1)

Meet The EMSCULPT NEO™ - Looking for a Body Tune Up?

Two procedures in a single treatment. EMSCULPT NEO™ reduces fat by 30% and increases muscle by 25% on average.

No matter how much you work out or diet, sometimes there’s just a part of your body that’s too stubborn! Luckily, with Emsculpt Neo, you can transform your body by easily burning fat and building muscle.

EMSCULPT NEO™ is the first non-invasive device that helps eliminate fat cells and build muscle in a single 30-minute treatment session.

The end result is less fat and more muscle, in less time and money.

Best of all, EMSCULPT NEO has a broad appeal as it can treat patients up to BMI 35.

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How Does Emsculpt Neo Work?

It uses the power of high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to stimulate thousands of muscle contractions, delivering a ‘workout’ for your entire body in just a few minutes. This works wonders to build muscle, burn fat, and reduce cellulite. With each session lasting just 30 minutes, you can even get this treatment during your lunch break and witness your body transform in as little as 2 weeks.

  • Equivalent to 20,000 Contractions (situps) in 30 minutes!
  • 30% Less Fat (on average)
  • Preventative and Corrective Therapy
  • +25% More Muscle (on average)

See the EMSCULPT NEO in Action

The Results

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Emsculpt Neo Before After 4

10 Body Areas EMSCUPLT NEO Can Treat

Emsculpt Neo 10 Body Areas ResizedImageWzYwMCw2MjRdEnhancing body shape and tone

  • You can achieve a defined and toned physique without surgery or invasive procedures, with noticeable improvements seen after just four sessions.
  • Emsculpt Neo targets cellulite and stubborn fat in areas like the stomach, buttocks, and thighs, while also toning and firming muscles for long-lasting results.Emsculpt Neo PIC Front thighs 01 ENUS100

Emsculpt Neo For Men

Emsculpt Neo PIC Body Parts male ENUS101Enhancing body shape and tone

Emsculpt Neo PIC Male Model Applicator Arms 21 ENUS100 See Before & After Photos for Men

21 Peer Reviewed
Clinical Studies And Publications

Using the most reputable scientific methods, EMSCULPT NEO showed consistency in eliminating fat and building muscle. Results and patient experience may vary. The averages are based on the patient results from EMSCULPT NEO clinical studies. These results may vary in a standard clinical setting.*


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Workout Smarter Not Harder.

  1. It’s Like Doing 20,000 Situps or SQUATS in ONE SESSION!
  2. Emsculpt Burns 30% Fat and Builds 25% Muscle At the Same Time.
  3. Emsculpt Neo has been shown to reduce visceral fat by up to 14.3%.
  4. The ONLY FDA-approved non-invasive technology that simultaneously uses radiofrequency and HIFEM+ energies to eliminate fat and build muscle.
  5. You Can See Fat Reduction and Muscle Toning in 3-4 Weeks.
  6. Emsculpt Has Zero Side Effects.
  7. Emsculpt is the First and Only Non-Invasive Butt Lift.
  8. It Costs Less Than Other Body Contouring Treatments.
  9. Treatment Time is 30 Minutes.
  10. No Downtime, no needles, no anesthesia!
  11. Backed by 21 peer reviewed publications.

Emsculpt Neo for Adults Ages 60+

Improve the quality of life and mobility


On average, we lose about 3-8% of muscle per decade, which accelerates after the age of 60. With sarcopenia, as we approach 80 years of age, we generally lose about ½ of our muscle mass. This can detrimentally impact the quality of life. Undoubtedly, the marker that is most closely related to overall health and well-being is how much muscle mass we have as we age.

Emsculpt Neo utilizes two technologies called HIFEM (Electromagnetic stimulation) and Radiofrequency to cause supramaximal muscle contractions and ultimately kill fat cells. These muscle contractions strengthen and bulk muscles over 4-6 treatments.

People who are sedentary due to energy deficiency, injury, or illness generally experience accelerated muscle loss. Due to a vicious cycle, it becomes progressively difficult to reverse muscle loss.

Below you will see a cross-section of pretreatment muscle fibers on the left compared to Emsculpt Neo treatments on the right. You will notice the size of muscle bundles are fibers are larger due to hypertrophy, and the overall number of muscle cells has increased due to hyperplasia.


High-intensity and high-frequency treatments are needed to achieve these results. With Emsculpt Neo, a half-hour treatment is equivalent to performing over 20,000 crunches due to the high-level activation of muscle fibers.

The research is impressive for the population over 60 years of age. Core strength vastly improved which substantially enabled elderly adults to walk faster and rise from chairs easier. Furthermore, abdominal contour, waist size, and posture notably improved as well.

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(TUG = Time Up and Go)

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From a functional standpoint, this individual achieved a 73% improvement in balance.

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This 70-year-old female achieved a 59% improvement in all measured parameters. These women are walking faster with better posture and confidence. Emsculpt Neo helps to encourage adults to get active again with a muscle fiber activation boost.

Among adults over 65 years of age, falls are the leading cause of injury-related death at 55 per 100,000 older adults, and the fall rate is increasing. Improvement in core muscles effectively and efficiently is a phenomenal investment in your overall health and well-being.

Non-Invasive Treatment for Diastasis RectiScreenshot 2023 12 19 at 12.17.51 PM

Emsculpt Neo is particularly effective for targeting problem areas like the abdomen, where it can help to improve the appearance of diastasis recti.

Emsculpt Neo offers a unique solution for diastasis recti by using electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contractions in the abdomen. These contractions are much stronger than what can be achieved through traditional exercise, and they work to rebuild and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen.

In a clinical study, EMSCULPT NEO demonstrated a reduction in diastasis recti by 19.2%. This revolutionary technology combines radiofrequency (RF) and high-intensity focused electromagnetic field (HIFEM+) to eliminate fat and build muscle. Research shows that individuals with diastasis recti have a high correlation with sacroiliac and lower back pain, and those with diastasis recti should be informed about the powerful positive effects of Emsculpt Neo so that they can remain healthy and active!

The Ultimate Non-Surgical Mommy Makeover

No Cuts, No Scars, No Downtime.

The Emsculpt Neo non-invasive technology is now able to give almost “surgery-like” results to patients who are true candidates with the right expectations.

At The Oasis Center, patients get a feel of the technological ambiance from the moment they enter the medical facility in the future. Offering the most cutting-edge technology, we can combat just about every facial or body concern for all skin types.

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As a top-rated medical facility, our providers can focus our attention on patients who are about to or who have become mothers.

A common concern among women who underwent a c-section during delivery is to reduce the “pouch” after surgery. Generally, there are a few reasons for the pouch formation.

  1. Leftover skin sagging from pregnancy stretching and elasticity retraction.
  2. There is some subcutaneous fat trapped.
  3. There is a separation of the muscle during pregnancy referred to as Diastasis Recti.

With amazing technology such as Emsculpt Neo with HIFEM and Radiofrequency technologies, we can tackle all three of these reasons without surgery and downtime.

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The Emsculpt Neo is the world’s only FDA-approved procedure to build and tone muscle, reduce up to 30% (including up to 14.2% visceral fat), and reduce Diastasis Recti, all without surgery. These quick and pain-free treatments are 30 minutes per session and many patients come during their lunch break. Emsculpt Neo helps to recover post-pregnancy, strengthens core muscles to help avoid surgical repair, and prepares the body for future pregnancies. If additional skin tightening is needed, The Oasis Center also offers Morpheus8 skin tightening utilizing bipolar radiofrequency technology.

Before and after photos are taken along the way to help track and measure progress. Our medical professionals provide complimentary consultations to help tailor a treatment plan specifically for your needs. They will help determine candidacy for treatment and set the expectations for proper core strengthening and individualized body treatment plans.

STYKU 3D Body Scan


The Scale Is Deceptive…

Individuals often rely on the scale as a primary tool to monitor their progress when embarking on a weight wellness journey. However, it is important to recognize that the scale provides only a limited perspective of overall progress. Styku offers a comprehensive solution, enabling real-time visualization of progress. With Styku, one can discern areas of weight loss and identify areas that may require additional focus.

Styku epitomizes truth, thereby empowering individuals with unparalleled precision and comprehensiveness in the presentation of physical assessment data. As an exclusive benefit for HHO members, a complimentary 3D scan is provided monthly, facilitating diligent monitoring and tracking of progress.

A Cutting-Edge 3D Scanning Mechanism

Styku employs a sophisticated 3D scanning mechanism that transcends conventional numerical representations. Through visually stunning 3-dimensional modeling, Styku captures and presents data pertaining to measurements, body shape, and composition. This allows for the accurate tracking of tangible changes in the body in response to exercise and nutritional interventions. With Styku, individuals gain an authentic reflection of their current state and unprecedented insight into their progress.

STYKU Overview

Unrivaled Precision

Styku harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to directly forecast body fat based on waist, hip, and anthropometric measurements. This integration positions it as one of the most accurate body measurement technologies in existence. With Styku, there is no requirement to schedule hydrostatic weighing or a DXA scan; it offers a precise and dependable method for predicting lean mass, fat mass, and bone mass.

Emsculpt NEO FAQs

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